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Crohn's disease in a sentence

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Sentence count:106Posted:2018-08-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: addison's diseasehansen's diseasehodgkin's diseaseparkinson's diseasehuntington's diseasepaget's diseasegraves' diseasecushing's diseaseMeaning: n. a serious chronic and progressive inflammation of the ileum producing frequent bouts of diarrhea with abdominal pain and nausea and fever and weight loss. 
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1) Crohn's disease is often associated with iron deficiency anaemia.
2) In Crohn's disease, the activity was mild in 15, moderate in 11, and severe in six patients.
3) Even concordant Crohn's disease twins affected by the disease usually showed very dissimilar subclass ratios.
4) The potential complication impairment of growth in Crohn's disease is unique to pediatric patients.
5) Four patients with clinically active Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum were also studied.
6) Recent studies of resection specimens from patients with Crohn's disease have shown inflammatory microvascular occlusion,('s disease.html) apparently secondary to mesenteric vasculitis.
7) Six Crohn's disease cultures and a single non-inflammatory bowel disease control were positive for M paratuberculosis.
8) The diagnosis of Crohn's disease was made by colonoscopy with biopsy or characteristic radiological appearances on barium studies.
9) It is well known the Crohn's disease is a diffuse lesion of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
10) One hundred and twenty ulcerative colitis patients, 105 Crohn's disease patients and 49 controls were studied.
11) An association between myasthenia gravis and Crohn's disease has been reported previously in only one patient.
12) Forty four patients with Crohn's disease were examined for eligibility during the trial period.
13) In support of this theory there is evidence of a close correlation between activity of Crohn's disease and conditions within the intestinal lumen.
14) Six prospective randomised trials have evaluated the efficacy of elemental diets in Crohn's disease.
15) Twenty two patients were newly diagnosed and 20 were patients with known Crohn's disease in relapse.
16) Growth failure is a major problem affecting up to 50% of children with Crohn's disease.
17) Several studies have shown the efficacy of 6-mercaptopurine and azathioprine in the treatment of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
18) Two previous reports have assessed plasma polyunsaturated fatty acid pattern in patients with Crohn's disease.
19) Several reports have quoted numbers of affected and unaffected relatives of Crohn's disease patients, including twins.
20) Lyso platelet activating factor and alkyl acyl glycerophosphocholine were not significantly higher in Crohn's disease than in controls.
21) Peptides, less antigenic substrates than whole protein, are effective in inducing remission in Crohn's disease.
22) Another patient had severe inflammation and numerous granulomata on histological examination of duodenal biopsies indicating Crohn's disease of the duodenum.
23) The authors believed that their serological results supported the view that infection with M paratuberculosis might cause Crohn's disease.
24) The inflammatory cells were absent in the colonic mucosa of Crohn's disease patients examined in remission.
25) Serum concentration of interleukin-6 are also raised in active Crohn's disease but surprisingly not in ulcerative colitis.
26) In another trial this type of diet was as effective as an elemental diet in inducing remission in active Crohn's disease.
27) The role of surgery as a means of improving growth in childhood Crohn's disease is controversial.
28) Activated macrophages are prominent in the inflammatory infiltrate in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
29) Thus, there is some suggestion of variation in the immune response within Crohn's disease.
30) Four prospective randomised trials have investigated the role of polymeric formulas in Crohn's disease.
More similar words: addison's diseasehansen's diseasehodgkin's diseaseparkinson's diseasehuntington's diseasepaget's diseasegraves' diseasecushing's diseasemeniere's diseasealzheimer's diseasecontagious diseaseinfectious diseasediseasediseasedeye diseaselyme diseaseskin diseaseliver diseaseblood diseaseheart diseasekidney diseasewasting diseasemental diseaseceliac diseasemad cow diseaseendemic diseasegenetic diseasedutch elm diseasevenereal diseaseinherited disease
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